Talking newspapers for blind and visually impaired people in Oxford & district
Oxtalk USB stick and local newspapers

New website & logo

March 29, 2007

Spring 2007 saw the launch of the brand new Oxtalk logo which now features on all Oxtalk communications.

The new logo is just one indication of how our organisation is evolving to meet the needs of the 21st century and reflects fresh, forward-thinking ideas on how we can best provide talking news and support in the Oxford area. It also reflects the origins of our organsiation and the values that still lie at its heart: the need to translate the written word into speech to make it more accessible to those within our community with visual impairment.

Graham Piercy, Oxtalk Chairman, comments: “Our old logo has been around for 25 years and this change reflects the fact that Oxtalk is an organisation that has developed over the years and is responding to the needs of the times. The logo and the launch of our website represent a new era in Oxtalk’s history and herald a number of changes in the way that Oxtalk will provide its service in the future in this new and exciting digital age.”

The logo and website were both developed by Oxford design agency, Lumpy Lemon.

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