Talking newspapers for blind and visually impaired people in Oxford & district
Oxtalk 'Sound Orb'

Would you like to become an OXTALK volunteer?

July 12, 2013


OXTALK volunteer TECHNICAL OFFICERS record an hour long digital TALKING NEWSPAPER on a TUESDAY evening.

The weekly recording takes place at the Radio Cherwell Recording Studios, based on the Churchill Hospital site, Headington, from 6.30pm.

  A TECHNICAL OFFICER’s commitment of 2 to 3 hours is on one Tuesday evening every 5 to 6 weeks.

It is not essential to be experienced in audio technology, but it will help to have an interest. Training is given by other experienced Technical Officers, with the trainee Technical Officer receiving support until confident to ‘go solo’.

If you think helping to produce a weekly Talking Newspaper for people who have a visual impairment would interest you then please visit the OXTALK website to find out more www.oxtalk.org.uk

Contact Margaret Simpson at mail@oxtalk.org.uk to arrange a visit to the recording studio to see what is involved, talk to the Technical Officer on duty and find out more.


On Wednesday evenings the weekly Talking Newspaper is COPIED onto memory sticks which are then posted out to the listeners. The COPYING process takes approximately 1 hour; there are 6 COPYING Teams, so a volunteer COPIER’S commitment is 1 hour every 6 weeks.

To find out more visit the OXTALK website www.oxtalk.org.uk  – you can attend a COPYING session before deciding you wish to join OXTALK.

Contact Margaret Simpson at mail@oxtalk.org.uk to arrange a convenient time to visit.

Listen to OXTALK’s weekly Talking Newspaper on the website.

 MAS July 2013

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